Nutanix provides a simple, flexible, and cost-efficient cloud platform; one that offers freedom of choice and enables authentic hybrid and multi-cloud computing, as part of progressive private cloud adoption. Cerexio Cluster Manager now supports automatic Hadoop Cluster and Axon Message broker cluster provisioning and management through Nutanix enterprise cloud. Now, Enterprise users can simply connect their Nutanix enterprise cloud environment to quickly automate Hadoop Cluster Management, along with message broker deployment. The Cerexio Cluster Manager will take care of provisioning Hadoop Cluster through DataXio environment where users have the freedom to manage the entire Hadoop ecosystem tools and applications. Further, Cerexio Axon broker also can be configured over Nutanix private cloud, so users can configure their data pipelines to integrate with Hadoop Cluster or stream the data in/out to external systems.

Currently, Cluster Manager supports Nutanix cloud integration via cluster blueprint concept where Nutanix administrator can configure necessary blueprints with auto-scaling enabled to control smooth cluster expansion when required. The following essential features are available under Nutanix cloud integration.
- Multiple Nutanix credential creation
- Revoke credential whenever needed
- Automatic blueprints download and management
- Cluster launch and termination using a single click
The teams who are using Nutanix cloud can simply launch and administrate Hadoop Cluster using Cerexion DataXio, and also teams can manage any number of Axon Cluster Message broker environments on Nutanix Cluster.