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Meeting Environmental Standards in MES-driven Factories in Singapore

Meeting Environmental Standards in MES-driven Factories in Singapore

According to the World Economic Forum, the manufacturing industry produces 16% of the global GDP, significantly contributing to the world’s economy. However, at the same time, it is responsible for making one-fifth of the world’s carbon emissions. Various types of emissions can be produced in the manufacturing industry, including the Product’s Carbon Footprint (PCF) and supply chain emissions.  With the looming doom of climate change, it is pivotal that the manufacturing industry takes measures to reduce its emissions and meet environmental standards. 

What are Greenhouse Gases (GHG)?

GHG refers to gases that warm the planet and raise Earth’s temperatures. Among other things, Industrial operations are one pivotal contributor to GHG creation. Categorised as GHG are various gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulphur hexafluoride, hydrofluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons. While forests and oceans can absorb such gases, due to long-term negligent practices, there is now an increased level of gases being absorbed by the planet, which natural absorption mechanisms can no longer handle.

Singapore’s Stance on GHG

Singapore has long recognised the importance of sustainable practices. Hence, at the onset of 2009, Singapore pledged to reduce emissions by 16 per cent from business-as-usual (BAU) levels by 2020. After that, in 2015, the government further promised to reduce Emissions Intensity (EI), which refers to the amount of GHGs emitted per dollar GDP, by 36 per cent by 2030. As the latest statistics from the International Energy Agency state, Singapore is ranked 126th out of 142 countries in CO2 emissions per dollar GDP. The country is further ranked 27th out of 142 in terms of emissions per capita. In its goal to further reduce its emissions, practitioners in all industries are required to step up their environmental standards and take active steps to meet them.

A Sustainable Solution: Manufacturing Execution System (MES)

Singapore has long recognised the importance of sustainable practices. Hence, at the onset of 2009, Singapore pledged to reduce emissions by 16 per cent from business-as-usual (BAU) levels by 2020. After that, in 2015, the government further promised to reduce Emissions Intensity (EI), which refers to the amount of GHGs emitted per dollar GDP, by 36 per cent by 2030. As the latest statistics from the International Energy Agency state, Singapore is ranked 126th out of 142 countries in CO2 emissions per dollar GDP. The country is further ranked 27th out of 142 in terms of emissions per capita. In its goal to further reduce its emissions, practitioners in all industries are required to step up their environmental standards and take active steps to meet them.

Analytical Tools To Reduce Energy When You Are Go Wrong

An innovative MES solution usually incorporates predictive and prescriptive analytical tools to help managers adopt sustainable practices. As with all assets, manufacturing machines require maintenance for optimal performance. Traditionally the only way a manager can detect that its devices need repairs is through their physical characteristics. It could, for example, make an unusual sound, emit smoke, and its surface may be warmer than usual. Such obvious signs of warnings may appear long after the problem has been rooted within the machine. When machines are not in their best condition, more energy emissions are released into the factory. An MES solution will instantly warn managers of impending risks the moment it is formed. This means managers can monitor the health status of each of its assets. As a result, managers can schedule maintenance and repairs in advance, ensuring that toxic energy produced by unpaired assets is removed.

Quality Control Mechanisms To Guarantee Minimal Energy Emissions

The quality of a product is determined by its durability and use. The item in question should operate or be of use in its optimal capacity for a reasonable period. For this, multiple quality control mechanisms must be in place for the end product to meet such a standard. From ensuring the raw materials are of standard quality to confirming that each manufacturing process is carried out correctly, quality should also be maintained during packaging and delivery. If quality controls are not in place, this will only mean that managers will consistently have to succumb to waste and waste energy on repairing multiple similar items that have gone through a similar process. The advanced technology incorporated into MES helps manufacturers to ensure the item is of its best quality at each phase. It will instantly detect if something is wrong, halting the item from proceeding in its manufacturing stage until it is rectified, thereby keeping energy emissions at a minimum.

Test Out Prototypes With Digital Twins To Cut Down Energy Wastage

There is always a trial and error stage when an engineer manufactures a new item in the factory. The production house could waste a lot of energy in either producing an object that will be a success or one that will fail. Without MES, this is a bargain each manufacturer has to take. However, with a smart MES solution that infuses the power of digital twins, testing out products or prototypes has never been easier. Engineers, designers and other industry specialists can test out various projects without wasting any resources whilst also not harming the environment.

What Makes Cerexio’s MES Solution Better?

The Cerexio MES Solution Suite is a new-age technology that will help you to meet your environmental goals and, at the same time, integrate your operations with out-of-the-world digital powers. Hence, with the influence of digital twins, automated process scheduling tools, predictive and prescriptive analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and more, discover the hidden potential of your manufacturing efforts. 

Let go of manual documentation and be paper free. A one-screen digitised dashboard provides you with all the real-time information of any asset in your factory within minutes. Additionally, conduct many experiments on new inventions with Cerexio’s digital twins and test the waters until you are fully confident. Use the key insights Cerexio MES will provide to accurately budget your finances and find the exact amount of raw material required for production to reduce overall waste. By being aware of the amount of water and energy needed to produce an item, you can also measure the exact number of emissions or find how much production carbon footprint you are responsible for making. This will help you to track the progress you make in terms of reaching your environmental standards. With such information, be a transparent industrial leader that can prove your ability to reach sustainable goals in the industry. 

Contact us to find out how much energy you can save with Cerexio MES.

Every Sustainable Practice Help The Environment

While digitalisation may seem like an easy step, do not underestimate the amount of good it can do to the environment. The more humans rely on digital solutions, the more they can integrate information into wireless cloud systems. Hence, instead of physical hardware components which require physical storage space for safekeeping, digital solutions do not need you to waste space or energy on storing or transporting big data. Not only can you, therefore, go paperless but with expert insights received from predictive and prescriptive analytics tools, there will be less waste. With an advanced MES system, you can take the time to understand your entire factory and the manufacturing industry comprehensively. Use that knowledge to strategise and make plans in a manner that can help you meet your environmental goals and increase your profit margins. 

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