The past activities of humans have fed a threat that is choking the whole world: The Greenhouse Effect, the result of surging CO2 emissions, have been shrouding the atmospheric bubble that entraps the heat of the sun. This event causes changes in the weather, following a myriad of long-term environmental consequences. As the effects of this phenomenon can detrimentally affect the future, sustenance and safety of the planet, Governments around the world have to make a shared effort in controlling this situation. Thus, COP prevails in governing rules, ethics and aesthetics that contribute to helping the public, companies, and states understand the severity of Global Warming and spur the urgency to take rapid countermeasures to control global climatic changes.

We are sure that your news feeds are dominated by news of COP26, and that is for a good reason. The 26th COP (Conference of the Parties) event, a meeting that will be held starting on the 31st of October till the 12th of November 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland, is a
monumental event because it addressed how some countries are still “on their way” to meet the standards agreed upon in the ‘Paris Agreement’ (a worldwide treaty that was declared in the 21st meeting of COP (COP21)). The Paris Agreement made hundreds of Governments pledge to stabilise the global temperature by taking national measures to keep the Global Average Temperature well under 2 degrees (ideally 1.5°C) over pre-industrial levels.

Governments are Making Promises to Act Against CO2 Emissions
Prominent countries are acknowledging the severity of CO2 emissions and that there must be a global-scale effort to reduce the temperature uprising that afflicts humans and wildlife in general. Here are a few examples of countries that are already setting targets and actively taking measures to control the CO2 -inflicted crisis.
Singapore is a country that is responsible for contributing to 0.1% of global CO2 emissions. However, Singapore is aiming at reducing the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions by 36% in 2030 compared to the rate of emission in 2005. This is an initiative that Singapore underwent to address the hazard of climate change and take an active response to control the impact of CO2 emissions with clear cut goals. As a densely populated island, Singapore is highly impacted by climatic changes, which is why they have also set goals in industrial energy efficiency by aiming for 20% of energy savings to be met in the year 2030.
Australia is set upon a journey that will preferably announce good news in 2030. They have tailored a credible and responsible response to rising CO2 emission levels in Australia. Australia has targeted lowering emission levels by 26% – 28% compared to the readings in 2005 in 2030. To achieve this target, Australia is implementing Direct Action Policies and offering an AUD 2.55B Emissions Reduction Fund that has successfully purchased 47 tonnes of emission reductions already. The initiatives taken by Australia show positive results and continue to contribute to helping the world cure the greenhouse effect.
India also made promises in ensuring that the CO2 emission threat will be mitigated. President Narendra Modi has announced at COP26 that he is ready with a 5-fold strategy that is going to help India meet the target Net Zero Emissions by 2070. The five consecutive points are (quoted by
- India will get its non-fossil energy capacity to 500 gigawatts (GW) by 2030
- India will meet 50 per cent of its energy requirements from renewable energy by 2030
- India will reduce the total projected carbon emissions by one billion tonnes from now onwards till 2030
- By 2030, India will reduce the carbon intensity of its economy by less than 45 per cent
- By the year 2070, India will achieve the target of Net Zero
America also shines a light on long-term reductions in Greenhouse Emissions with annual Variation. America makes sure that the annual statistical trends are related to economic conditions and the variability of the weather. Unfortunately, even there was a 10.3% drop in greenhouse gases in 2020. A rebound is expected in 2021. However, the American Government continues to stay committed to aiming for a drop of 28% – 28% of CO2 emissions by 2025 as per the Paris Agreement.
Through this article, we wish to give you a quick overview of the whats, whys, whens and wheres of COP26 to help you understand the gravity of the intensity of this global crisis and how failing to be upright and flawless in taking initiatives by the government to preserve the natural resources and the diverse ecology can bring dangerous news to our future generation.

What is COP, and Why is It Important?
COP or ‘Conference of the Parties’ is a global meet-up where governments around the world gather as a supreme global-scale decision-making body. COP is composed of parties that represent member states and take the required actions to implement the Convention (and other related legal instruments) to ensure all countries take a shared effort in controlling global hazards.
The first COP meeting was held in March 1995 in Berlin, Germany. COP meetings are annually held at locations that are pre-agreed upon by all parties. Usually, party volunteers host the events, or it is held in Bonn, Germany. The presidency of COP rotates among the 5 renowned UN regions; therefore, the COP events can be hosted anywhere in the world.
This year, the 26th COP (COP26) meeting will be held in Glasgow and will be collaboratively hosted by the parties starting from 31 October – 12 November 2021. This meeting is highlighted from its antecedent events because most environmental critics believe that the initiative taken during this event will be the precursors to anticipate the global wellbeing of the future. This event is hosted to fasten and boost the laggard initiatives taken by countries to meet the environmental-friendly goals expressed by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. This event inspired the governments of all countries and the civil society, private companies to spread awareness of the threatening climate changes and to take action ahead of COP26.

The Paris Agreement at COP21 and Notable Concerns
The Paris Agreement was established on the agreement of all parties at COP21, which was held in November 2015 in Paris. This meeting was the point where the whole world was directed to a course to acknowledge and admit that the whole world as one is being threatened by the climate change challenge, and everyone is guilty of jeopardising the natural balance with pollution and ignorance. COP21 pointed out short-term and long-term milestones that help to measure the success and increase the progress in controlling the universal effort in tackling climate change.
The Paris Agreement sparked an inclusive passion for all parties in taking tangible initiatives to fight global climate changes. Even though it was a result of a string of arduous negotiations, the Paris Agreement surely sparked a new era of fighting environmental changes and preserving nature. This treaty ensures that all resources are used carefully and sustainably and inspires parties to emphasise the safety of the planet from misuse of natural resources.

Any Updates on COP26?
As mentioned above, the COP26 was hosted first on the 31st of November. So far, the implications of the reports suggest that the COVID stimulus packages are not essentially addressing the climate change adaptation. As we know, nature itself gave a boost in helping in controlling the climate change crisis because while humans were under lockdown and other travel restrictions, there have been lighter human footprints on natural resource-heavy ecosystems. Therefore, there is a silver lining of COVID-19 for it has positively influenced in preserving natural resources.
However, it was discussed in COP26 that the whole world is experiencing adverse effects of the dynamic climatic changes of spontaneous storms, floods, heat domes, progressively upsurging sea levels and other natural disasters that are destroying the human livelihoods and lives, crops, wildlife and natural resources. 79% of the countries that attend COP26 have introduced related countermeasures that they are instrumenting to fight against climate change. These measures include national policies, strategies and laws that restrict their citizens in doing threatening environmental actions and taking measures in controlling the risks that are rooted in climatic changes. The mitigation plan deployment rates of the countries compared to COP25 has increased by 7%, which is a significant highlight of COP26. There were also discussions about the financial barriers of the developing countries in keeping them from taking necessary decisions for this cause.
Technology (As Usual) is Ready To Save The Planet

Technology experts are discussing and pitching their innovative ideas at COP26, all suggesting that the market of new innovation is definitely heading in the right direction to jumpstart the long journey the world has to take towards achieving zero emissions.
Here at Cerexio, we believe that understanding the importance of coexistence between humans and nature is no longer a natural process because it has been disrupted in the past. It is our goal to take responsibility and take action to preserve the environment and meet the sustaining needs of natural resources by equipping technological solutions that contribute to this wholesome process. Therefore, we play a part in this giant leap. Cerexio’s patented AI, Predictive Analytics, Satellite-driven Remote Sensing and Imagery Technologies and more help to predict and prevent natural resource destruction caused by humans.